What can a Contract do for You?

I have been reading a bit about things like contracts, stipulations, and protocol within a BDSM relationship. These seem to be more common in D/s relationships, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t make use of some part of them, no matter what your relationship status.  First, I would like to make sure everyone […]

To Domspace, Dom-drop and Beyond!

Also sometimes referred to as ‘Top-space’ and ‘Top-drop’, you don’t hear about Domspace and Dom-drop as often as you do subspace and sub-drop. Why not? There are some speculative reasons, as I will call them. For starters, society mostly still praises gender defined rolls, and the hype is that since men don’t talk about their […]

How to Get Electrocuted like a Pro

  Written by Ayzad – original source https://www.ayzad.com/news/health/how-to-get-electrocuted-like-a-pro/ Yesterday I had to counsel a young man who – with much embarrassment and pain – confessed he had damaged his own genitals by over-enthusiastically using an electric BDSM toy. I am not a physician, so I could only direct him to a specialist and hope his […]